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Solar Energy


Solar Energy
Solutions by Volteam Electric

Welcome to Volteam Electric's solar energy solutions, where we turn the abundant sunshine into sustainable power for your home or business. Our expert team in Northgate, Brisbane, specialises in designing and installing solar power systems that not only reduce your energy bills but also contribute to a cleaner, greener future.

Why Choose Us

Volteam's Solar Energy Solutions

At Volteam Electric, we go beyond traditional solar installations to offer a comprehensive, tailored approach to solar energy. What sets us apart is our commitment to quality, expertise, and customer satisfaction.

Energy Installations

High-Quality Solar Panels + -

At Volteam Electric, we believe in using the best products for our installations. That's why we offer a range of solar panels from leading brands such as Trina, JA, and Hyundai. These panels are known for their efficiency and durability, ensuring that your investment in solar energy pays off for years to come.

Efficient Inverters + -

In addition to high-quality panels, we use inverters from trusted brands like Fronius and SMA. These inverters are essential for converting the direct current (DC) generated by your solar panels into the alternating current (AC) used in your home or business. With these inverters, you can be sure that your solar energy system is running at peak efficiency.

Certified by the Clean Energy Council + -

Our commitment to quality is further demonstrated by our certification from the Clean Energy Council. This certification ensures that our products and installations meet the highest standards for safety and performance, giving you peace of mind knowing that your solar energy system is in good hands.

Expert Installation + -

Our installations are carried out by CEC-accredited installers and highly qualified electrical technicians. This ensures that your solar energy system is installed correctly and safely, maximizing its efficiency and lifespan.

Upgrades and
Battery Storage

Is your solar system falling short of your energy needs? Volteam Electric offers tailored solutions to enhance your solar experience. Our expert team can assess your system’s performance and capacity, recommending upgrades or adjustments to maximise its efficiency. We prioritise your satisfaction, ensuring your system is generating at its peak.

For those looking to expand their solar capabilities, we provide safe and cost-effective upgrades. Our focus is not just on selling products but on empowering you to be more energy-efficient and self-sufficient. With advancements in technology, we offer cutting-edge solutions for generating, storing, and analysing your energy usage.

Additionally, our solar battery storage solutions allow you to store excess energy for use during nighttime or power outages. Partnering with renowned brands like LG, General Electric, Tindo, Sonnen, and Tesla, we ensure you have access to the best technology and local support for your peace of mind.

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